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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Class, May 26: Clothing again UPDATED MAY 28

That picture of Herb Caen I didn't get on here last time... I'd like you to to compare the crumply "fishmouths" on his sleeve and the long stretch folds that run down the legs.
Ditko simplifies and emboldens folds, much as his idol Ayn Rand simplifies and emboldens fearful dimwits. Seriously, I think Ditko is good ref for folds. He treats them in a way that is..

  • simple and bold, yeah, got it...
  • clean and unfussy, without hairy rendering.
  • uses a variety of line weight for an organic feeling
  • respects the fact that tighter clothes make finer parallel stretch folds, while thicker, looser-fit fabric makes fatter shadows.
  • Respects the physics of stress points and how long stretch folds can travel from one stress point to another, sometimes spiraling around an arm or leg.
  • Etc.!


Sunday, May 6, 2018


from John Heebink 887-8610


3-7pm, Sunday, May 13  -- Rain or Shine

Big thanks to you who are taking part in the first Sidewalk Comics Fest! Here’s the info you’ll need.


4pm STEVENS BOOKS, 49 Ocean Ave, SF

Our invited guests—Katie, Jason, Brie, Matt and Chris—are very welcome to come to class Saturday, but they can roll in the next day with no shame. 

We usual suspects will meet as usual at 4 pm Saturday to support each other in nailing down last minute details. I will bring the button machine and the supplies. Griffin, it would awesome if you could bring that cutter thing. The one I rented cuts the art a little too big, so it needs to be scissor-trimmed to make a good button. I’ll have scissors.
I’m gonna bring a big roll of paper so we can letter signs with our names to put on the windows behind our tables. 

I had my art out-put at the printing desk at Staples, on “80# Gloss.” It was great!! Made perfect buttons. I recommend this over printing at home. There's still time!


For my students, an overly expansive list of things you might consider having at your table:
  • Comics, Books, Original Art, Prints
  • Portfolio or box to hold art -- I like the ITOYA portfolios available on Amazon
  • Stickers, buttons, magnets
  • Business cards?
  • Buttons!!
  • Paper or sketchpad or comic backing boards for sketches.
  • Your traveling art kit
  • Post-Its for price-tagging
  • Sharpies and metallic markers for signing things and pricing
  • A notepad for writing down your commission list, etc., etc. Also for sending notes to the cashier! More on that below
  • Mailing tubes for prints (I’m bringing a dozen or so to share)
  • 11x17 bags and backing boards for prints and original art (I’m bringing some to share.)
  • Mylar bags and backing boards for comics, book
  • Pretty patterned cloths on which to display your wares
  • Lit dumps, aka magazine holders, improvised or store-bought, to get your pubs standing up and looking noticeable!
  • Water bottle



3pm, Sunday May 13

The show runs from 3-7pm, the bookstore hours. My fond hope is we will adjourn to a nearby bar-restaurant at 7pm to continuing talking after the bookstore closes.

Please arrive before 2:30 pm, so there is time for you to set up, and time for me to ensure you have what you need. Expect a 6’ table and a chair.
The weather should be terrific. I researched that. But I’ll ask everyone to take charge of their own rain protection just in case. Dollar-store plastic sheeting should be sufficient. I’ll have shipping tape. If we have to go inside, we do have enough room to set up in the store and carry on, though I’m sure won’t be optimal.

We’ll have a couple table minders, in the person of loving, tolerant spouses, so that you can listen to speakers like Jason and Brie, look at other tables, bathroom and so on. They will also conduct your customers to the cashiers, with a note from you as to what they’re buying and the price. When they return to you, you exchange the goods for the receipt. We'll square up the books at the end of the day and get you paid.

The City is concerned that we keep a 5-ft width of sidewalk free. I just want you to be aware of that; I’m not expecting you to police it.


3:30-4:30 - Open for now— call me if you want it. Matt?
4:30-5:30 - Illustrator-Designer Brie Spielmann on marketing yourself, online and otherwise. She is a fount of good ideas and inspiration. 
5:30-6:30 -  Writer Jason McNamara (Rattler), a favorite guest of past comics classes at the Academy of Art, will talk about writing and promoting your creator-owned independent comics. 

The show runs from 3-7pm. I’m hoping that we will adjourn to a nearby bar-restaurant at 7pm to continuing talking after the bookstore closes.

It’s exciting, for lack of a more precise word: We don’t know whether this will be a ghost town or a mob scene. I’m hoping for something in between.

Here we go!

John Heebink 887-8610

P.S.: Team, please let me know if I've left something out.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Still time to make T-Shirts!

And pretty cheaply!

Hi you all,
If you've even thought about making some t-shirts to sell at the Sidewalk Comics Fest, there is still time if you act this week or so!
Lookit what I'm having Vistaprint make me for the Fest! I'm pretty thrilled that there was still time to do this. The hitch is that it has to be the white Fruit of the Loom shirts shown on this page, which works fine for me.

Thanks to Sketch for the Vistaprint tip! Their site makes it really easy to get this done, fast, cheap and easily. These are costing me $9 a piece, so I can sell them reasonably and make a profit.

Considering their stuff costs less than clothes in stores,  I may start having a wardrobe only of things I've drawn... ;)


Friday, April 20, 2018

Room for One More

Chris Fenoglio

The final addition to our guest list for the Fest is Chris Fenoglio, who has a roaring comics career underway despite his tender age.

Chris is a comic book artist, colorist, and teacher. He’s drawn titles such as Goosebumps: Monsters At Midnight, X-Files: Origins, and Bloodworth, and he’s colored titles such as Star Wars: Adventures, Orphan Black, and Red City. He graduated with a Masters in Illustration from the Academy of Art in San Francisco, and taught comic book illustration courses there as well.
Chris has currently working on a webcomic called Chris & Christina. A humor strip (very) loosely based around his real life and family. You can see it
You should read it. It’s pretty funny.

You can see more of Chris’ work on his website ( and follow him on Twitter and Instagram @chrisfenoglio.



You may have already saved this from the FB group page, but here it is again just in case: The template for making 1.25in diameter buttons. You'll print it out or just open it in your app of choice.
If like me, you haven't really thought that much about making some buttons, isn't it time you sat down and roughed out some ideas?

It’s time to start finalizing your arrangements to get things done for the Sidewalk Comics Fest. You will want to check out the Resources Page on this blog where there are links to a number of vendors:

In-class Exercise

If you miss class today, or simply want to do this digitally, here's the form:

 Earlier I taught you guys, some anyway, how to repeat windows and such things, getting the spacing right as the windows recede into the distance. We learned both equal division, like the windows on the left, and the "ABA Pattern,"wherein two different intervals alternates on the right.
We'll get this nailed today. It's a useful trick, that yields very satisfying, realistic results. Some of you missed that session.

See you soon,

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Brieturn!

You guys remember Brie Spielmann, who gave terrific talk last year on using the internet and other resources to get paying work and promote your art. I've invited her to the Sidewalk Comics Fest to speak on the same subject in a 2018 way.
She's tentatively scheduled for the 4-5pm hour.
A few of you may be stuck at your tables, though I'm hoping we can line up folks to table-sit as needed.
Any artist friend you invite will want to hear her, I suspect!
She's a blonde now, btw, in case you didn't recognize her right away...

This Week's Class

Saturday's class will revolve around in-class exercises. They'll be like quizzes that we get to help each other on. :)


Monday, April 9, 2018

Fest Update

Very happy that our Sidewalk Comics Fest guest list has grown to include:

  • Sucker and Rattler scribe Jason McNamara...
  • My Little Pony artist Katie Longua...
  • Not Forgotten Contributor Matt Harding and...
  • The uncanny caricaturing of Pete McDonnell!

I've also invited multitalented Brie Spielmann, who gave a terrific talk on using the internet in one of our sessions last year. So we can pick her brain some more! Hope she accepts.

Day by day this thing looms, if not larger, realer!

I hope you will invite your friends, families and supporters of all kinds.

Ciao for nao,

Sidewalk Comics Fest Facebook Event page

Friday, March 30, 2018

Comics Fest Resource Page

Hallo, All!
Luckily for us, vendors seem to get things done very quickly these days. Here are service-oriented vendors that can help you get done cool swag accomplished in the scant days remaining.

 (They did well on the postcards I’ve been using to promo the show.)

We'll have a button making machine at the store through May. The template for formatting your art is attached below for you to print out or open on your pc.

Order by Monday Apr 30 to get their cheapest shipping in time for the Fest.

TSHIRTS: (Good prices)


March 31 -- Character Design

Ha Hoang aka Splendid River -- Variation on Steroids! You can support him on Patreon.

Hey guys,


Facets of Character Design:
  • Research 
  • Play 
  • Experimentation/Variation/"Plussing"
  • Color
  • Shape/Silhouette
  • and in the Disney tradition, making all of the above suit the character's personality

Let's look at inspiring examples....

Featuring today :Annette Marnat -- Strong Shapes and Everything Else!

Pixar -- Silhouette

Annette Marnat -- Shape

Annette Marnat
Annette Marnat

Annette Marnat -- Shape
She reminds me of the incredible Jose Luis Agreda, below

Annette Marnat

Kristen Schmisten -- Play, Experimentation

Kristen Schmisten -- Play, Experimentation

Kristen Schmisten -- Play, Experimentation
Kristen Schmisten -- Play, Experimentation

Denis Bodart -- Loose and quick

Denis Bodart -- Warm and loose! Note the woman shown at two different ages

Unknown artist -- Shape, Experimentation, Play

Unknown artist  -- Variation

Unknown Artist --Shapes, Variation, Play, PERSONALITY :)

Unknown Artist -- Play, Experimentation

Wittig --Play, Variation, Expression, personality, all fused with shape. Wow!

Ernesto Melo -- Shape 

Ernesto Melo --Warmed-Up, very loose, strong Expression
Me, needing a "plussing"
Me, struggling

Advise me, please, you-all.

Stephen Silver -- Tips
Stephen Silver -- Shape, Shape, Shape

Tracy Butler, Shapes fused with Personality

Sidewalk Comics Fest Facebook Event page