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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What's Going On Next Time

Hey Everybody!
When we meet again on the 16th, I plan to cover a bit more on light and shadow:
The effects of bounced light, How to plot basic cast shadows, and Shadows that fall on other objects.


We'll have our usual visual storytelling exercise, with an emphasis on the manifold blessings of  thumbnailing, which is the most time-saving species of drawing you can do!

Then I'm proposing we do an exercise on expression, which is always fun. I'll bring in some reference photos to work from.

 Here's a peerless model sheet, while we're on the topic of expression...

"HoneyLemon" Model Sheet. Big Hero 6, Disney, 2014. Shamefully, I don't know the name of this artist.

That's the plan!
See you Saturday, 

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