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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Campbell Con Means No Saturday Comics Class This Week

Hey, a reminder that there's no Saturday Comics Class this weekend. I'll be down at Campbell Con, a fun one-day con run by the very nice Dave Haworth and Marina Lukyantseva-Haworth!


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Join Us, as We Voyage to...


The Crypt Keeper, Tales from the Crypt, EC Comics
The late great, great Jack Davis

It is that insidious realm where most fear to venture, yet all must, in time! They who dwell--even for a time--in this Palace of Paradox emerge blinking and disoriented, but with greater skills!

Saturday's brief, nearly painless foray into this dread dimension will confound you with one specially prepared EXERCISE...

...Perhaps even a second...

Tremble not! Nor permit the so-called "Instructor's" sadistic, leering countenance to distract you from the task ahead.  Repeat, if terror compels you, these feeble few words:

"IT WILL ALL BE OVER in a few minutes!! Also, Chinese food!"

And refunds for most, even. See you guys Saturday!
