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Sunday, October 2, 2016

We Go Figure

Hi, Everybody!

Thanks for turning up and taking part in our Oct 1 class, Francisco, Mariel, Jonathan, Daniel, Ellen, Ricky, Sketch, Martha, and Patricia!

I was a nervous teacher Saturday because my figure drawing skills are rusty, at least as regards technique...

I put a lot of concepts out there--more than advisable,  I think, considering none of them really mean a thing till YOUR practice, exploration and goofing around make them real. If, with your kind patronage, we can make the class an ongoing thing, together we'll put meat on the bones I threw at you Saturday!


Here, from Andrew Loomis's Figure Drawing for All It's Worth, is a better version of that ball I showed you last night. His seems modeled on a white plaster sphere.

Loomis divides into 5 ½ zones what I encouraged you to think of in three. As a mental exercise, see if you can simplify these into the three I showed you in those nude pix:

  1. Highlight, 
  2. Mid-tone, 
  3. Shadow. 

(Saturday I forgot to mention D., "Moonlight," which is a bit of faint reflected light "opening" the form shadow. It's bouncing off the surrounding white surface to the underside of the sphere and thence to our eye, so it can be weak.)


I mentioned George last night, George Cwirko-Godycki. Please follow him on Facebook! His technique seems to spring from fearlessness and constant drawing.


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